Wednesday, February 22, 2012


So, as I was driving home this morning,and on a side street, walking the other direction was a boy about 13 and he was visibly upset. I stopped at a stop sign  about 15 feet after I passed him, and got the weirdest urge to see if he was alright. So I did. I opened my door and called back to him, calling him over to where at least he could hear me.

I asked him if he was alright, and he stuck his chin up, and started pulling himself together as he walked toward me. I said "I just want to know if you're alright..." He nodded solemnly and announce "I'm Fine!". I asked again. He just nodded this time. I paused for a second, nodded  and got started getting back in my car. He stopped me and said " I don't really like talking, but thanks for stopping to see if I'm alright." and I swear this popped into my head "whatever IT is, that hurts like this, It gets better later on. Either because you change, or it does." 

I think I needed to hear it as much as he did. And the kid? His name is Simon. His classmates tease him because he's "fat" (his words not mine) and his Dad, is a real asshole too. I talked to him for 20 minutes before I sent him on his way back to the hell that is the eighth grade. I hope he makes it out in one piece.

If I was still in church, they'd chalk this up to the holy spirit working through me. And, I'm inclined to agree. Call it what you want, it was beautiful and heartbreaking.

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